Plcyf Naam               Snelheid   Tijd   Ring       Get  Afstand Mee/Prs Punten
===== ================== ======== ======== ========== === ======== ======= ======
601 G.J.A. Spilleman 1131,995 14.14.48 3-9017989 8 7 23/ 533.8
602 R. Elferink 1131,894 14.15.43 1-1596917 3 5 23/ 533.0
603 H. Doornink 1131,849 13.57.06 3-9107606 6 4 11/ 532.2
604 B. Bomers 1131,037 14.12.05 3-9017399V 9 7 27/ 531.5
605 B.J. Volmer 1130,809 14.15.04 2-8261004 27 19 34/ 530.7
606 Wim Poppink 1130,299 14.09.46 3-9139190 3 3 9/ 529.9
607 Deny te Vruchte 1130,168 13.56.30 0-1282063 13 15 28/ 529.1
608 Knippenborg & Zn 1130,113 13.56.24 2-8236799 7 9 39/ 528.4
609 Danny Frenken 1129,954 14.06.24 3-9139446 15 6 26/ 527.6
610 A.A.M. Jansen 1129,600 13.45.23 2-8255486 12 4 15/ 526.8
611 W. van Hal 1129,433 13.46.20 2-8256565 1 3 17/ 526.0
612 Danny Frenken 1129,358 14.06.28 3-9139444 10 7 26/ 525.3
613 Patrick Sticker 1129,146 13.48.05 2-8273857V 2 122,041 13/2 524.5
614 Georg Krandick 1129,029 14.15.27 3-9130135 31 14 31/ 523.7
615 J.H. Gelink 1128,710 14.11.55 3-9017460 34 13 47/ 522.9
616 C. Brethouwer 1128,605 13.58.46 3-9107262 14 4 36/ 522.1
617 B.J. Rupert 1128,363 14.20.08 3-9008988V 2 3 13/ 521.4
618 Comb. J. A. Mulder 1127,868 14.17.05 3-9035572 33 11 53/ 520.6
619 Falckenborg-Nijhof 1127,859 14.07.01 2-8141529V 2 40 70/ 519.8
620 Georg Krandick 1127,641 14.15.37 3-9130213 23 15 31/ 519.0
621 B.W. Ros 1127,591 14.06.09 3-9106651 30 9 60/ 518.3
622 H.J. ten Hoopen 1127,543 14.15.48 3-9035131V 17 10 29/ 517.5
623 G. Rave 1127,508 14.00.06 2-8236243 22 11 42/ 516.7
624 J. Froeling 1127,498 14.06.35 2-8271503 4 8 30/ 515.9
625 J. Hengeveld 1127,329 13.49.03 8-1648681 6 8 25/ 515.2
626 J.H. Gelink 1127,144 14.12.06 1-1577972 39 14 47/ 514.4
627 Addie Wanrooij 1127,080 13.43.18 3-9114851 5 116,427 22/1 513.6
628 B.J. Volmer 1127,055 14.15.31 9-1446940 20 20 34/ 512.8
629 V. de Harder 1126,886 13.57.36 2-8678178V 14 16 42/ 512.0
630 G. Grievink 1126,578 14.09.45 2-8271464 19 8 30/ 511.3
631 Comb. J. A. Mulder 1126,362 14.17.16 3-9035695 24 12 53/ 510.5
632 B.J. Volmer 1126,224 14.15.37 1-1704005V 1 21 34/ 509.7
633 G. Grievink 1126,144 14.09.48 3-9139527 3 9 30/ 508.9
634 H. Gelink 1125,724 14.12.16 3-9017814 19 8 24/ 508.2
635 R. Spranger 1125,620 14.17.06 3-9130487 32 7 42/ 507.4
636 Jurgen Stevens 1125,573 13.37.08 3-9116194V 35 6 43/ 506.6
637 Jurgen Stevens 1125,380 13.37.09 3-9115979V 39 7 43/ 505.8
638 Jurgen Stevens 1125,187 13.37.10 3-9115962 24 8 43/ 505.1
639 J. Wiggers 1125,180 14.06.10 3-9107173 3 6 40/ 504.3
640 J. Wiggers 1125,180 14.06.10 3-9107118 35 7 40/ 503.5
641 J.H. Gelink 1125,157 14.12.20 9-1317412V 15 15 47/ 502.7
642 Gert&Janni Visser 1124,936 13.54.42 1-1676815 1 129,030 23/1 501.9
643 J. Froeling 1124,833 14.06.53 3-9640804 16 9 30/ 501.2
644 J.H. Gelink 1124,590 14.12.24 2-8141630 45 16 47/ 500.4
645 Deny te Vruchte 1124,537 13.57.05 3-9107040 9 16 28/ 499.6
646 H. Gelink 1124,448 14.12.25 2-8141979V 1 9 24/ 498.8
647 R. Lansink en zoon 1123,566 14.01.09 3-9129602 20 136,120 42/5 498.1
648 H.G. Averdijk 1123,415 14.20.26 1-1567522 10 6 20/ 497.3
649 Twan Bomers 1122,960 14.13.02 3-9017358V 16 11 30/ 496.5
650 H.G. Averdijk 1122,882 14.20.30 0-1162308 1 7 20/ 495.7
651 Jurgen Stevens 1122,876 13.37.22 3-9116208V 29 9 43/ 495.0
652 R. Beestman 1122,746 14.07.19 2-8270672 38 11 105/ 494.2
653 J.H. ten Have 1122,723 13.57.10 3-9107289 13 4 13/ 493.4
654 R. Maurick 1122,530 13.49.13 3-9118795V 6 8 36/ 492.6
655 Fons Klein 1122,493 14.12.10 3-9137782 16 3 19/ 491.8
656 Wim Poppink 1122,370 14.10.41 3-9139161 6 4 9/ 491.1
657 H. Hengeveld 1121,987 14.13.30 3-9592861V 23 10 43/ 490.3
658 J. Bergervoet 1121,916 13.48.39 0-1273627 1 121,896 29/4 489.5
659 Georg Krandick 1121,714 14.16.20 1-1704627V 8 16 31/ 488.7
660 R Verheij 1121,634 13.48.57 2-8274278 3 2 12/ 488.0
661 R. Theling 1121,404 13.55.54 2-0222149 2 4 12/ 487.2
662 B. Stronks 1120,871 13.58.20 3-9107990 4 11 24/ 486.4
663 G. van der Kemp 1120,619 13.48.59 2-8255835 11 4 18/ 485.6
664 J.H. Gelink 1120,500 14.12.53 2-8141664 46 17 47/ 484.8
665 G.J.A. Spilleman 1120,496 14.16.11 3-9141775 20 8 23/ 484.1
666 B.W. Ros 1120,486 14.06.57 3-9138578 22 10 60/ 483.3
667 R. Maurick 1120,308 13.49.26 2-8249097 26 9 36/ 482.5
668 Kim Peters 1120,222 13.44.00 1-1686996 13 5 16/ 481.7
669 G.J.A. Spilleman 1119,948 14.16.15 3-9017998 15 9 23/ 481.0
670 C. van Rijs 1119,846 13.58.01 0-1256184 1 2 8/ 480.2
671 Fons Klein 1119,528 14.12.31 3-9139314 14 4 19/ 479.4
672 F. Buttner 1119,002 13.47.15 2-8272363 17 2 19/ 478.6
673 M.Rotter 1118,415 13.38.19 2-8244542 31 109,958 40/6 477.9
674 E. ter Avest 1118,240 14.21.14 3-9008582V 14 7 17/ 477.1
675 R. Beestman 1118,208 14.07.50 0-1293389V 100 12 105/ 476.3
676 Deny te Vruchte 1118,171 13.57.45 3-9107013V 19 17 28/ 475.5
677 G. Wielens 1118,087 14.13.33 2-8141409 17 9 36/ 474.7
678 H. Doornink 1117,220 13.58.38 3-9107601 4 5 11/ 474.0
679 R. Beestman 1117,189 14.07.57 2-8270283 7 13 105/ 473.2
680 J.H. ten Have 1117,161 13.57.45 2-8237487 8 5 13/ 472.4
681 T. Obrink 1117,079 13.58.16 1-1677461V 21 5 25/ 471.6
682 Jan Steentjes 1116,959 13.47.57 3-9125978 11 120,575 22/3 470.9
683 G.J.A. Spilleman 1116,806 14.16.38 3-9017992 4 10 23/ 470.1
684 R. Beestman 1116,752 14.08.00 2-8270260 103 14 105/ 469.3
685 B. Gries 1116,746 13.49.13 2-8274086 2 121,967 11/4 468.5
686 G. Wielens 1116,681 14.22.47 3-9008794V 6 11 40/ 467.8
687 G. Wielens 1116,681 14.22.47 3-9009240 39 12 40/ 467.0
688 R. Beestman 1116,607 14.08.01 3-9137916 86 15 105/ 466.2
689 Yvonne Dekkers 1116,501 14.01.55 1-1704417V 8 2 17/ 465.4
690 R. Beestman 1116,461 14.08.02 3-9137964 36 16 105/ 464.6
691 J.H. Gelink 1116,299 14.13.23 1-1577974 37 18 47/ 463.9
692 H. Doornink 1116,279 13.58.44 3-9107612 7 6 11/ 463.1
693 Jan Steentjes 1116,269 13.48.01 3-9125984 1 2 22/ 462.3
694 H. Rutgers 1116,253 13.49.44 2-8249141V 20 9 43/ 461.5
695 H. Rutgers 1116,253 13.49.44 2-8685001 43 10 43/ 460.8
696 F. Arentz 1116,215 13.47.26 2-8255413 8 3 25/ 460.0
697 G. Grievink 1115,971 14.10.59 3-9139516 5 10 30/ 459.2
698 R. Beestman 1115,590 14.08.08 9-1457557V 98 17 105/ 458.4
699 G. Grievink 1115,545 14.11.02 2-8271447 2 11 30/ 457.7
700 Danny Frenken 1115,539 14.08.02 1-1715031V 3 8 26/ 456.9

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