Notice: Undefined variable: vlu_wind in /home/compuclub/domains/ on line 25
Plcyf  Naam              Snelheid Tijd     Ring       Get Afstand 
===== ================= ======== ======== ========== === ========
2321 Comb Visch-de With 1081,653 14.08.07 2-8212103 48 365,725
2980 Comb Visch-de With 1066,512 14.12.55 2-8212169 44 2
3749 Comb Visch-de With 1051,638 14.17.46 1-1651003 31 3
3800 Comb Visch-de With 1050,631 14.18.06 9-1392568 24 4
4478 Comb Visch-de With 1037,713 14.22.26 2-8212141V 23 5
5121 Comb Visch-de With 1025,924 14.26.29 2-8212155 46 6
5590 Comb Visch-de With 1016,561 14.29.46 2-8212126 47 7
5691 Comb Visch-de With 1014,540 14.30.29 2-8212131 39 8
5782 Comb Visch-de With 1012,761 14.31.07 0-1230508V 18 9
5877 Comb Visch-de With 1011,221 14.31.40 2-8217461 43 10
6547 Comb Visch-de With 999,020 14.36.05 2-8212112V 16 11
7009 Comb Visch-de With 990,945 14.39.04 0-1230387 32 12
7122 Comb Visch-de With 989,426 14.39.38 2-8212138 38 13

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